Term 2 means it's schools champs time

Last Updated: Wednesday, 03 May 2017 14:29

Term 2 of the school year heralds another round of regional school championships and gala days put on by ONSW and its member clubs.

Students do not need to qualify for these days, nor do they require any previous orienteering experience.

The format of each event - a map talk and walk with a coach, an individual age race, then a 3-person relay (see picture, left) - ensures all students get the maximum educational and exercise benefit from the day.

As you can imagine, each day requires many helpers to run smoothly. Club members and parents - if you can assist in any way (registration, coaching, on the start or at the finish, putting out or collecting controls, directing parking etc), please contact Lyn Malmgron (lyn malmgron at bigpond.com).

The culmination of the regional champs are the NSW All Schools Champs, which this year will be held in the Illawarra on August 19-20. All students are invited to compete; again, no qualification is necessary.

In 2016 we had record attendances of 2,217 participants across all schools champs and we hope to better that number this year. 

First up are the Riverina champs in Wagga Wagga on Monday May 8. For details and information flyers for all schools champs, please go to the schools champs web page.