BOSS starts up on Sunday

Last Updated: Wednesday, 09 October 2019 12:48

Our Newcastle club leads the way in mountain bike orienteering (MTBO) and their annual BOSS starts up again on Sunday at Killingworth South.

Newcomers and 'casuals' do a 75-minute score course, while those riders seeking a tougher challenge do a line course then a score course, all within the 75-minute time frame.

You can start any time between 8-9am - map board and SI timing sticks can be hired on the day. Pre-entry not required - just rock up on the day... but allow time for a briefing and gear prep.

Full BOSS details are in the series flyer here. Parking for event 1 is on Killingworth Road next to the big sub station.

Beginners will get instruction from our friendly Newcastle organisers.

Remember - this year one of the BOSS newcomers (Tim Doman) was so good he was picked for Australia to ride at the world champs! Could this be you in 2020?

And a reminder of closing date deadlines for looming interstate MTBO events:
* Sun Oct 13 Australian champs (in Victoria from Oct 25-27)
* Mon Oct 14 ACT champs (in Canberra from Oct 18-20)