Debbie Davey wins ACT Autumn Classic

Last Updated: Monday, 04 April 2022 12:57

Congratulations to Debbie Davey (Waggaroos, pictured) who took out first place overall at the ACT Autumn Classics weekend.

Debbie won W65A on both days and, using the OACT age/gender handicap system, was ranked first of all competitors with 247 points out of a maximum 250.

Ewan Shingler (Big Foot) cemented his place atop the Junior National League rankings by winning M20E both days, while sister Nea had a first and a second.

Other ONSW members to win both days were: Ryder Seaman (M10A, WR), Alex Woolford (M16A, Bush n Beach), Rebecca Craig (W16A, Newcastle) and Paula Shingler (W55A, BF).

Other outstanding NOL results were Alastair George (BF) second in M21E on Saturday, sister Rebecca third in W21E on Saturday, Oskar Mella (NC) third on Saturday and Briohny Seaman (WR) third in W21Sport on Sunday.