Orienteering with NSW Rural Fire Service Cadets

Last Updated: Wednesday, 04 October 2023 11:31

GO, SHOO and IKO set up an event at Appin for the RFS Cadets Championships. The Cadets came from all over Australia to compete against each other for Championship status.

This year Orienteering was added to the experience.  

The event was in a safe confined area with multiple tracks and interesting rock formations. There were 2 beginner courses (Loop A & B) set at an Easy standard with a couple of Moderate controls thrown in. Most teams completed the 2 courses and some went on to try their hand at the “Challenge” course. The Challenge was a Moderate course often visiting known control sites with catching features but with mainly terrain handrails. 

They navigating through the bush, visiting their check points and trying to beat each other’s times. Many found interesting rock features to test their climbing skills on.

It was great to work with such an enthusiastic, good humoured 120 Cadets. They were ready for the opportunity to problem solve and compete.

Thank you for the opportunity to work with them. Lyn Malmgron (SHOO)