Embargoes for 2024 & 2025 an update

Last Updated: Monday, 18 March 2024 14:01

Map embargoes are used to make sure that our major races are fair by restricting access to map areas prior to the event.  

Once an embargo is declared it is not permitted to visit or train on a map, or future map, prior to the event.  

Note that it is not possible to completely embargo schools or universities for those who need to attend for school or work. 

For these areas it is not permitted to train on or visit the area with an orienteering map (including a map you may have made yourself). 

Current embargoes in NSW:

Details of embargoes are listed below on our website page: 

Orienteering NSW - Embargoed Areas (onsw.asn.au) or see button top left hand side column of website.