Police help Summer Series runner to world record time

Last Updated: Friday, 06 July 2012 15:44

Shady spots at the latest Summer Series included one which was being staked out by police.  Phil Harding, picking up controls at the end of the event came across a late model Mercedes which suddenly burst open and had men jumping out of the car and into the nearby bush, swiftly followed by the arrival of an unmarked police car full of gun toting constables who dashed after them.  Says Phil 'in a short space of time, there were police everywhere.'

Being told that there were police dogs on the way as well, Phil picked up the controls as quickly as he could so he could 'move along' before the whole area was shut down. Late runner Richard Green came across Phil with his pots in hand, having come up short at the actual sites, so took advantage of the opportunity to bag the controls.  With a quick one, two, 40 points were scored in what must be the fastest split between controls ever managed at a Summer Series.

Many thanks to Phil Harding, Ross Barr, Terry Bluett and The Manly Daily for the facts underpinning this world record event.