Belanglo House Work Bee

Last Updated: Friday, 06 July 2012 15:44

With the moving of the ACT championships to 5/6 May the weekend of 28/29 April became available for a necessary work weekend at The Hut.  As many of those interested are retired we were also able to add 26/27 April and get in the best part of 4 days of work.

The contingent of Chris Murphy (Hut Manager), Peter Howe, Dave Lotty, Ron Junghans, Ken Jacobson, Barry Pearce, Robert Spry and Kevin Curby totally refilled the woodshed with cut hardwood collected in the wilds of the forest.  As well as this the lawns were mown, the gutters cleared, the entry road made trailer-friendly, the accommodation building tidied up and some roadbase obtained to fill in part of the access track.


You will note the average age of the workers being well over 65!  Where were the younger Association members who also enjoy the benefits of The Hut?  All the workers present, as FOTHs (Friends Of The Hut), receive free accommodation at The Hut for the next year.


Major works to be completed in the near future include
. renewing the curtains in the lounge building (Uringa's Margaret Wilmott is on the job)
. replacement of the stove and some other minor electrical repairs
We are also looking at upgrading the showers, installing some more water storage tanks, and painting the lounge building inside and out.  Watch out for the next opportunity to become a FOTH!