Waggaroos triumphant in 2012 Interclub Series against Albury

Last Updated: Monday, 03 September 2012 18:40

WaggaRoos has won the 2012 Interclub Series against Albury. In the final event conducted at Connorton last Sunday WaggaRoos had a narrow 12 point to 8 victory bringing the overall scores for the four event series to 72 points to 52.

Briohny Seaman (W) had an excellent run on the 5.9km Red course which looped around three large hills. Participants needed to make careful route choice decisions to avoid the hills and rocky areas. A number of controls required fine reading of the underlying contour features which was difficult given the prevalence of black symbols indicating rocky features. On some hillsides the Stypandra was very pretty but also difficult to traverse.

For the Interclub series points are awarded according to places for an equal number of participants from each club on each course.

Briohny gained maximum points for WaggaRoos finishing almost 7 minutes clear of Albury’s Leigh Privett. John Oliver (W) was third in just ahead of Wayne Bajenoff (A). This gave WaggaRoos a useful 6:4 point lead.

Debbie Davey had a brilliant run on the 4km Red course finishing almost 20 minutes ahead of Norm McCann (A). Wes Campbell (W) finished in third place. Albury’s John Trevivian missed a control giving WaggaRoos 6:4 points for this course.

Kath Oliver had the fastest time on the 3.2km Orange course. The course wandered across more open areas and followed a pretty stream before heading back along some power lines. The Wetherspoon and James families enjoyed the wander even stopping for a short picnic lunch on the way. There were no Albury participants on this course so no points were allocated.

2 year old Hannah Holland and mother Catherine were the only participants on the 2.3km Green course.

Many thanks to John Oliver for this report.