Armidale Schools Champs 2012

Last Updated: Tuesday, 13 November 2012 10:04

St Johns Junior School leads the way

The 2012 Armidale Outdoors Schools Orienteering Championships were held at Gara Dam TSR 15km east of Armidale on Friday 2nd November. A near record number of 825 school children from 12 Armidale schools competed in this annual event.

The majority of participants completed the 1 hour score course, trying to visit as many control points as possible within the time limit. The remainder did either the green or orange line course in which they had to complete a set course as quickly as possible.

The mild temperature of the day and gentle breeze provided ideal orienteering conditions while the recent spell of dry weather meant there were few grass seeds. The lack of grass cover also made it very easy to spot the snakes as well as the control points.

The competition for the Primary School Sports Association trophy was very close this year, with St Johns junior school narrowly beating TAS and PLC junior schools. The Primary School trophy is awarded to the highest scoring school on the basis of participation and performance in both line and score courses taking school size into account.