Good comes from the disappointment of State Leagues 1&2

Last Updated: Thursday, 29 November 2012 12:30

State League orienteers will be well aware of the problems with State Leagues 1 & 2 at Snow Hills this year which were rained off in March, postponed until October and finally washed out and cancelled. Fated State League 1&2 organiser Mark Shingler writes:

'We were finally able to access the property last weekend and retrieve the control stands and flags we had left in place after the deluge.  The forest was looking fantastic with a display of wild flowers not seen for years - why couldn't it have been like this last month?  The sub-junior members of ACT Blue Sparks and NSW Wildfires were able to experience the area through the training session Jock Davis & David Poland/Toni Brown organised on Saturday. 

Andy Simpson, President of Big Foot passed on his thanks to the disappointed but patient members of the orienteering community.

'Many thanks to all of you who indicated they were happy to donate their entry fee to the junior squads.  Your generosity has allowed us to give $3,500 to the NSW squad and $2,000 to the ACT squad, the split being in line with the entries.  The club was happy that something positive came out of what was a very frustrating exercise for all of us. Some club members spent over 30 hours just driving to and from the area in the course of the year, never mind the work  they did on the event itself.

With this extra funding we should see some exciting performances from our juniors in the year ahead!