Just one more control? Wrong!

Last Updated: Tuesday, 15 January 2013 18:39

How cunning was Peter's course setting at the second of the SHOO Summer Saturday events at Belgenny Reserve?

A beautiful new map of parkland, flat terrain, control placements clear and finally a cool breeze. Only Steve Cooper, James Wilkinson and Patrick Gunnarsson managed to stay within the 30 minutes.  All the rest of us just tried for that - 'one more control'.  It looked so easy. You could almost see it round the next corner. Then you looked at your watch and knew that no matter how hard you ran, you were going to be over time.

The PIT was another trap.  Reading the control descriptions really helps when you find yourself heading for a riverbeach along a bush track only to find that what you are actually looking for is a pit which you have just run past.

Lachlan Brooks showed his developing strength and speed as a junior orienteer when he again came first in the line course.  It was pleasing to see him do the first 4 controls on his own before meeting up with Mum.  It was good to see Hannah Davey speeding into second place.

SHOO's next event is this Saturday 19 January on another new map 'Lake Annan' at the Birrawa Clubhouse, Fitzpatrick Road, Mt Annan.  Registration is from 5pm with starts between 5:50-6:30pm.  After the event there is always somewhere to picnic, or just join the organisers at the local pub!