WHO beat the Big Foot speedsters?

Last Updated: Monday, 18 February 2013 18:42

Sunny weather greeted the 80+ entrants at the St Ives Showground for a testing course set by Big Foot's Miles Ellis in the 6th event of the Sydney Sprint Series. A mixture of bush and open areas mixed with areas dedicated to special interest groups (Mini-bikes, radio control cars, Equestrian, Farnarkling etc), made for an interesting course with runners weaving through horse floats and picking left or right route options around open ovals (marked out-of-bounds) in search of human fodder racks (picnic tables).
Fastest man on the day was WHO's Andy Hill, followed by the swift Patrik Gunnarsson of Big Foot and evergreen veteran Jock Davis, also Big Foot.
Darwin-based visitor Suzanne Casanova was the fastest female followed by Big Foot training partners Tracy Marsh and Paula Shingler.

The next Sydney Sprint is on 25 February at Castle Hill Showground

Thanks to Miles Ellis for this report