The really good news about Hill End (remember the awesome mining terrain at the Australian champs last year?) is that we're going back in March 2019 for a round of the National League!

The bad news is that until then we have to stay away from the mapped areas, as they are under embargo to prevent participants gaining an unfair advantage.

The embargo covers the forest within 3.5km of the Royal Hotel in Hill End, and for approximately 7km north of Hill End township towards Mudgee. The area mapped for orienteering covers 23 sq km of forest.

However, you may visit the township, including the Visitors Centre, Café, Royal Hotel, Northeys Store, Hill End Lodge and the National Parks Camping Grounds, plus the famous 'Golden Gully' walk.

Permission for access into embargoed terrain shall be obtained from the organiser if needed.

The NOL round on March 30-31 will have a Relay and a Long Distance;  for non-elites there is a Middle on the Saturday and the Long on Sunday.  This is our first State League bush weekend for 2019.

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