Saturday Afternoon Cunning Running Monday, 11 April 2011

Western & Hills Orienteers (WHO) have planned a series of seven promotional events in Sydney’s West. The series kicks off this Saturday, 16 April in Rouse Hill.

The events will be relatively easy, aimed at encouraging local westies to try out orienteering. Family participation is encouraged.

Experienced orienteers will find the events to be ideal training runs and are encouraged to participate, not only as runners but as coaches for beginners. If you can spare the time come and explore the potential of the newer suburbs for park and street events and receive a free entry voucher.

To promote the series an information brochure has been prepared for distribution to libraries and community centres in the region. A copy of the brochure was included with the March edition of the Australian Orienteer magazine for all members of sydney metropolitan clubs. If you have relatives and friends in the region please encourage them to "have a go"!

Visit the WHO website for more information and full series details.

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