It is with much sadness we announce the death of Newcastle legend Dot Wright.
Dot was the wife of Allan Wright, founding member and stalwart of the club in its growth years.
Dot may not have taken to the bush very often, though she and Allan were avid bushwalkers, but her contribution to the club was immense.
Phone enquiries for information about club activities were ably handled by Dot and she was a great advocate for our sport.
She supported their sons Ian and Neil in the sport, and was often in charge of Enter on Day duties for our State and local events.
The Hunter Schools Orienteering Championships particularly in the 1980s and 1990s were spearheaded by Allan and Dot with Dennis Lyons course planning.
However, her biggest contribution was to support Allan in the production of the Club Newsletter - in the times when it was a printed production, needing to be collated, stapled or folded, enveloped and posted.
Dot was always in the thick of the action. Our thoughts are with Allan and the family.