December is here - which means it's time to renew your membership for 2021- or join one of our friendly clubs.

Members receive discounted entry fees, a subscription to the quarterly Australian Orienteer magazine (opt-in for hard copy is still available) and a range of other benefits - not to mention the collegiality of being a member of a club.

Current members must renew by December 31 or Eventor will add the non-member levy to each entry fee.

If you are not a member but are thinking of joining a club in 2021, you can get the rest of 2020 for free - and thus access members' rates from the moment you join.

If you are upgrading your membership from Casuals NSW to ONSW Club Membership then follow this guide.

Click on the blue links for the benefits of membership, a list of our clubs, how to join, and how to renew.

Family renewals in particular can now be done in a few short steps: see the link for more Renewing Family information. See other Eventor guides at the bottom of the membership web page for details.

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