Congratulations to Big Foot junior star Alastair George and his girlfriend Emily Sorensen who won the South Australian rogaining championships at the weekend.

It was a convincing win, 320 points ahead of the next team (3190-2870), as they covered 92km in the 24 hours permitted - although they finished with an hour to spare.

Amazingly, this was Emily and Ali’s first rogaine! No doubt their backgrounds as elite orienteers helped - Alastair has competed at JWOC and Emily made this year's JWOC Honour team that did not compete due to covid.

Alastair moved to SA, Emily's home state, just before the NSW lockdown.

IKO's Liz Woodgate has been interstate since July and teamed up with an old friend Marc Woods from Alice Springs for his first rogaine. They finished sixth in the 24-hour event and third in the Mixed Veteran age class.

You can see the results from Almerta Station here.

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