Congratulations to the hard-working Friends of the Hut for taking out the ONSW Volunteer of the Year award for 2021.
It’s a safe bet that very few people are aware of this largely anonymous group, yet every orienteer knows of their work!
Belanglo House – affectionately known as The Hut - has been an ONSW asset leased from NSW Forestry Corporation since 1979. With the 2020-2021 COVID-19 pandemic, the Hut has been unavailable to members for much of the past two years.
Our winners – the definition of unsung heroes - maintain this valued resource for training and events, and on a regular basis continue to make sure everything is well looked after.
The team includes Kev Curby (Manager, pictured here), Peter Howe (Occasional Caretaker Extraordinaire), Luke Wilmott, Dave Lotty and a bunch of others.
You can see the list of previous award winners here.