On Sunday the Sydney metropolitan clubs will gather at Allambie Heights Oval for round 4 of the MetrO League to explore the northern and eastern sections of Manly Dam.

This is where the very first ML event was held in 1994, and so it is fitting that we should thank the MetrO League founder and retiring co-ordinator Frank Assenza for devising the concept and seeing it through to the stage where we now have 29 teams competing in five divisions.

Frank's enthusiasm for the club teams competition - he signs off emails 'FrancO di MetrO' - almost rivals his love (and knowledge) of classical music and opera - and the trusty old-fashioned whiteboards that show the head-to-head results each round.

Once the first runners are back it's soon standing room only around the whiteboards as we gather to see who came where, who beat who... and puzzle over the occasional 'mp'.

So on behalf of all ONSW members, we say "Thanks Frank".

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