It's only seven months until we host Easter 2014 and we will need as many volunteers as we can to help make this major annual Australian carnival a big success.
All volunteers will have ample time on the day to warm up and compete in their own race. 
Rob Vincent, Ron Pallas and Nick Dent, our event directors, have been progressing with the planning for this event for the past two years.
If recent Easters are anything to go by, we anticipate around 800 entrants. The carnival stretches from Good Friday (April 18) to the Anzac long weekend (April 26).
The event directors are planning to organise a number of teams of volunteers to help run the four days of the Easter events. We are asking both clubs and individuals to consider offering to help as part of one of the following teams: Start, Finish (IT), Parking, Logistics (arena setup and move), Presentations, Registration, Control collection, Meetings Co-ordinator, Information tent.
We already have some volunteers but many more will be required to enable these events to proceed smoothly. You can volunteer by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and indicating the team that you or your club (with names) wish to help with. 

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