Space Racing, our venture especially for kids aged 8-14, has blasted off in Orange and Sydney.

Goldseekers, our club of the year, last weekend hosted around 20 kids at the Showground on a new map ideal for such outings.

Their next two events are on Saturdays Jan 18 and 25, and with families returning from summer vacation we anticipate numbers will climb as they did last year.

In Sydney, we hosted a small but enthusiastic group today at Curl Curl Lagoon playing fields on a flat, off-road course in warm weather.

For our second Sydney holiday event (Fri Jan 24) we return to Centennial Park - hoping it's not 46 degrees like last year ! 

Assembly is in front of the Education Centre (bottom of grid F4 on the map). Park in Dickens Drive and walk through the forest to the amenities block.

UPDATE: Saturday Disney will be filming a segment with two of our NSW junior reps that morning up in the sandstone ridge area. They may also later be filming participants at Space Racing. If you consent to your child being filmed we will issue them with an identifying wristband, and ask you to sign a consent form. 

As always, any club members who can assist at Space Racing are greatly appreciated - whether it's coaching, shadowing kids around the course, handling rego or putting out and collecting controls. 

Please advise This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you can help out on the day.

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