Two dozen women from across the state have enjoyed a fantastic weekend in the Hunter Valley working on all aspects of their orienteering in time for the winter bush season.

Put together by Barbara Hill (Garingal and Bold Horizons), the two-day clinic is an annual feature on our calendar and keenly anticipated with the State League and MetrO League seasons starting this weekend, and the big Easter carnival at the end of the month in the ACT. 

Barbara reports: "In all there were 26 women from seven clubs involved in the weekend. Tracy Marsh and Cath Chalmers (Big Foot) assisted with coaching and were outstanding. Dr Lisa Lampe (Uringa) made a very engaging and informative presentation on the challenges of maintaining and regaining concentration.

"Participants ranged from complete beginners through to very experienced ladies looking to brush up on skills and prepare for the approaching State Leagues as well as Easter. The attitude of the ladies was amazing. Everyone was super keen, willing to try anything, test themselves and have a go."  

Here is just a sample of the feedback:

"Learnt heaps. Met lots of new people. Thanks Barbara for all your planning and organisation."

"This weekend was great fun! Working on weaknesses and strengths and having a go at new skills such as putting out a control. The activities were great to see where we could go wrong on a course or right."

"Learnt lots and met many lovely women. Accommodation was great for a group like this and comfortable. Enjoyed the 'guest' speaker in the evening. Thanks to everyone involved, organising and presenting."

We thank all the ladies involved for such a great effort.

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