Happy New Year everyone!

The first week of 2014 is already behind us and we have events coming up left, right and centre.

The Newcastle Summer Series resumes this Wednesday (Jan 8) at Waratah, while the Sydney series powers on at Rydalmere.

SHOO's Summer Saturdays are already underway, as is the annual Sydney Sprint Series.

Central Coast resume on Sunday (Jan 12) at Ettalong, while many of our regional clubs get back into the swing of things once school starts up again.

Did you know that ONSW, through its member clubs, puts on about 350 events each year?!

Thanks to hosts Goldseekers and all the contributing visiting clubs for another successful annual Xmas 5-days bush carnival at Orange. We look forward to a big urban carnival in Sydney at the end of the year when we entertain plane-loads of European elites en route to Tasmania for the first round of the 2015 World Cup.

From total beginners to the elite level, we welcome and cater to people of all ages and abilities.

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