

Coming Events

Fri 12 Jul 4:00 pm
Bluebottles July Camp near Armidale
Thalgarrah Environmental Education Centre, about 20 minutes from Armidale.

Wed 17 Jul 5:30 pm
Moonlight Madness #4
Artarmon Reserve, Burra Road, Artarmon
Thu 18 Jul 7:30 pm
Orienteering Participation and Engagement Network July Meeting

Sat 20 Jul 2:00 pm
2024 NSW State League #10 - Poppethead, Kitchener
“The Poppethead” D.Lyons. Partially updated 2024, Cessnock Rd, Kitchener -32.8766698, 151.3657394

Sun 21 Jul 9:30 am
2024 NSW State League #11 - Barraba Lane, Quorrobolong
“Barraba Lane” - Ian Dempsey, 2021, Barraba Lane, Quorrobolong -32.9630219, 151.3384693

Sun 21 Jul 10:00 am
Waggaroos Local event, Wolfram
Livingstone State Conservation Area.

Tue 23 Jul 7:30 pm
Orienteering NSW July Board Meeting

Wed 24 Jul 4:00 pm
2024 Sydney MapRun #2 Putney
Putney Park Toilets (South), Pellisier Rd, Putney
Sat 27 Jul 9:30 am
SOS Northside
Sat 27 Jul 9:30 am
SOS Hills District

Welcome to Orienteering NSW

Orienteering is a sport that challenges both the body and the mind. It's also loads of fun!

The aim is to use a special orienteering map to navigate your way around a course and visit marked check points along the way. You choose a course that suits your age and experience and proceed at your own pace: walk, jog or run. It is a race but you decide if you want to just race yourself or be the next world champion! The course may take you through urban areas, parks, schools, farmland or forests.

Events are conducted weekly across NSW and beginners are welcome at all events.

New to orienteering? Click here for more information.

Want to enter an event? You can see what's on by looking at the Coming Events at left or by going to the Event Calendar. Some events are enter on the day - you just turn up and register at the start. Other events require pre-entry and for that you need to know about (and register with) Eventor - read the Eventor FAQ.

Waggaroos and Albury team up for pre-season training

Wagga and Albury orienteers combined for a training weekend at Beechworth to fine tune their skills for the forthcoming bush event season starting in early March.  Nineteen orienteers from the two clubs participated in a series of practical bush exercises in areas that are navigationally very complex.

Three very different areas were visited with each session emphasising the same points of “extending the control” by associating the target feature with other detail to make it a larger target, and identifying the key features to be observed en route so less important detail can be ignored.  Sessions were conducted in pairs so that the less experienced members could learn from the more experienced and to exchange ideas on how to a leg could be attacked.

The first session was at Yackandandah where the complicated contour detail offers unique challenges. The importance of having a plan and focussing on key features was emphasised because everywhere looks much the same. Numerous little gullies and mounds make it imperative to focus on key features because trying to read each and every feature is just too difficult.  Exactly the same thinking was required at Mt Barambogie where the numerous massive rock features are just everywhere. Focussing on just key features means much of the detail can be ignored, simplifying the navigation.

Each session commenced with a map walk to help interpret how the mapper has represented the area. This proved to be a popular and valuable component of the training.

The skills were further emphasised in a night event conducted around Lake Sambell in the middle of Beechworth. By day this is an open reasonably flat area with good picturesque visibility. By night, even with a full moon and headlamps, the lack of visibility means the same techniques as used in a complicated mining area or boulder riddled area are required. Identifying key easily recognisable features, large enough to see in a light beam of restricted area, even if slightly off-course was paramount.

Leigh Privett proved too fast in the night event winning by almost 8 minutes from Rob Simmons and Alex Davey. First woman to finish was Pauline Moore.

Results: Lake Sambell Night Event: Leigh Privett 27:47; Rob Simmons 35:11; Alex Davey 35:20; Pauline Moore 37:23; Catherine Holland 40:26; Wes Campbell 40:30; Bob Moore 49:57; Matthew Mott 51:39; Don MacIntyre 53:02

Thanks to John Oliver for this report