

Coming Events

Fri 12 Jul 4:00 pm
Bluebottles July Camp near Armidale
Thalgarrah Environmental Education Centre, about 20 minutes from Armidale.

Wed 17 Jul 5:30 pm
Moonlight Madness #4
Artarmon Reserve, Burra Road, Artarmon
Thu 18 Jul 7:30 pm
Orienteering Participation and Engagement Network July Meeting

Sat 20 Jul 2:00 pm
2024 NSW State League #10 - Poppethead, Kitchener
“The Poppethead” D.Lyons. Partially updated 2024, Cessnock Rd, Kitchener -32.8766698, 151.3657394

Sun 21 Jul 9:30 am
2024 NSW State League #11 - Barraba Lane, Quorrobolong
“Barraba Lane” - Ian Dempsey, 2021, Barraba Lane, Quorrobolong -32.9630219, 151.3384693

Sun 21 Jul 10:00 am
Waggaroos Local event, Wolfram
Livingstone State Conservation Area.

Tue 23 Jul 7:30 pm
Orienteering NSW July Board Meeting

Wed 24 Jul 4:00 pm
2024 Sydney MapRun #2 Putney
Putney Park Toilets (South), Pellisier Rd, Putney
Sat 27 Jul 9:30 am
SOS Northside
Sat 27 Jul 9:30 am
SOS Hills District

Welcome to Orienteering NSW

Orienteering is a sport that challenges both the body and the mind. It's also loads of fun!

The aim is to use a special orienteering map to navigate your way around a course and visit marked check points along the way. You choose a course that suits your age and experience and proceed at your own pace: walk, jog or run. It is a race but you decide if you want to just race yourself or be the next world champion! The course may take you through urban areas, parks, schools, farmland or forests.

Events are conducted weekly across NSW and beginners are welcome at all events.

New to orienteering? Click here for more information.

Want to enter an event? You can see what's on by looking at the Coming Events at left or by going to the Event Calendar. Some events are enter on the day - you just turn up and register at the start. Other events require pre-entry and for that you need to know about (and register with) Eventor - read the Eventor FAQ.

Weather cools down as competition hots up

Runners in the State League races at Belanglo this weekend will be relieved that the hot weather of the last few days has broken, and whilst there are still some high winds today, by the weekend the forecast is for cool running temperatures of around 20'. 

Saturday's State League #10 Middle Distance Race is hosted by Uringa and will use a fully re-worked Bunnygalore map now renamed 'Beyond Rocklea'; Sunday's race, State League #11 combines a Long Distance race with the NSW Schools Championships.  State Juniors already selected for the squad travelling to the Australian Championships, will be out in force vying for the racing spots on the team.

Competitors can find their start lists and final information on-line now here


Newcastle powers home with 4 Championship titles in QLD MTBO Championships

NSW winners QLD MTBO Champs 2012The NSW competitors in this year's Queensland MTBO Championships arrived at Woodford north west of Brisbane by train, plane and automobile. Most only made the trip for the weekend with a few taking the leisurely driving option.  It was a long way to travel for two one hour races in the Middle and Long Distance Championships but for NSW it was all worth it with Newcastle carrying off combined wins over the two days in four classes:

Womens Open: Jenny Enderby Newcastle

Mens 50: Andrew Power, Newcastle

Mens 60: Greg Bacon, Newcastle

Mens 70: Graham Fowler Newcastle

Read Greg Bacon's report from the Queenland MTBO Championships here.


Junior Leaguers race all comers at Westleigh

Garingal Orienteers hosted Junior League race #8 along with its Come and Try It event at Westleigh.  It was an unprepossessing map on first sight, with urban streets teamed with a steep gully system which limited bush control options, but organiser Melissa Joseph and her team skilfully crafted the courses to bring out the best and produce a set of runs which were challenging and enjoyable.

Sophie Jones (UR) and Ewan Shingler (BF) led off the Easy courses and maintained what is proving to be formidable form across these races. Joanna Hill (GO) won her Easy course 2 minutes ahead of rival Rachel Osbourne (BF), and is clearly benefiting from her recent attempts at Orange at MetroLeague running for her club Garingal.  Terence Chiang (UR) won the boys Easy course, the latest great result in a 2012 series which has seen him improve enormously since event #1.

State Junior Squad athlete Georgia Jones (UR)won convincingly in Short Moderate, taking a few of the more experienced adult scalps on the way, and Lewis Redner (GO) brought home the Short Moderate for the boys.

In the Hard courses the competition in the Junior League boys division is close.  Whilst Matthew Hill (who did not run on Sunday) is dominating the leader board, there are plenty fighting for the other podium places.  Younger brother Daniel Hill (GO), always reliably swift, this time lost to Adam Halmy (BN) whose skills as a State competition level cross country runner were on show to win three minutes ahead of Daniel.

And amongst the non-Junior Leaguers?  Salme Fuller (IKN) had a great race in Short Moderate to come second in 42:33.  Glen Horrocks (GO) and Andy Hill (WH) held off the junior challengers to take 1st and 2nd places respectively in the Long Moderate. 

The penultimate Junior League of the season, race #9, will take place on September 23 at Chatswood West.


Normal Entry for Australian Championships closes at Midnight August 20

It is now only 2 days to the close of normal entries on August 20th. After that time late entry fees apply so don't pay more than you have to - get your entries in now! 

Visit the entry page on the Carnival website

Detailed event information for each of the races during the Championships week is coming on-line.  All the information for the Australian Long Distance Championships is already posted, and class and distance information for the remainder of the St Helens and Bicheno events is also available on the Program page of the website.

As we get to the Championships you can keep to date with all the latest 'Champ News'.  Follow the action on facebook, keep up to date on Twitter (@2012AustOChamps) and of course check out the News page of the Championship website.


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