

Coming Events

Wed 17 Jul 5:30 pm
Moonlight Madness #4
Artarmon Reserve, Burra Road, Artarmon
Thu 18 Jul 7:30 pm
Orienteering Participation and Engagement Network July Meeting

Sat 20 Jul 2:00 pm
2024 NSW State League #10 - Poppethead, Kitchener
“The Poppethead” D.Lyons. Partially updated 2024, Cessnock Rd, Kitchener -32.8766698, 151.3657394

Sun 21 Jul 9:30 am
2024 NSW State League #11 - Barraba Lane, Quorrobolong
“Barraba Lane” - Ian Dempsey, 2021, Barraba Lane, Quorrobolong -32.9630219, 151.3384693

Sun 21 Jul 10:00 am
Waggaroos Local event, Wolfram
Livingstone State Conservation Area.

Tue 23 Jul 7:30 pm
Orienteering NSW July Board Meeting

Wed 24 Jul 4:00 pm
2024 Sydney MapRun #2 Putney
Putney Park Toilets (South), Pellisier Rd, Putney
Sat 27 Jul 9:30 am
SOS Northside
Vision Valley, Arcadia.
Sat 27 Jul 9:30 am
SOS Hills District
Crestwood (Torry Burn map).

Sat 27 Jul 10:00 am
Learn to Orienteer - Port Macquarie

Welcome to Orienteering NSW

Orienteering is a sport that challenges both the body and the mind. It's also loads of fun!

The aim is to use a special orienteering map to navigate your way around a course and visit marked check points along the way. You choose a course that suits your age and experience and proceed at your own pace: walk, jog or run. It is a race but you decide if you want to just race yourself or be the next world champion! The course may take you through urban areas, parks, schools, farmland or forests.

Events are conducted weekly across NSW and beginners are welcome at all events.

New to orienteering? Click here for more information.

Want to enter an event? You can see what's on by looking at the Coming Events at left or by going to the Event Calendar. Some events are enter on the day - you just turn up and register at the start. Other events require pre-entry and for that you need to know about (and register with) Eventor - read the Eventor FAQ.

The Amazing Race is looking for contestants

If ever there was a TV show just made for orienteers it's The Amazing Race!

You need to be fit, a good navigator, able to handle adversity... and have a bit of rat cunning.

With international travel a long way off still, the producers are looking - at short notice - for a super strong female team for the first edition to occur solely in Australia.

If chosen you'll have the adventure of a lifetime, plus the chance to win a huge cash prize. 

Casting will close soon - Apply now here


Call for ONSW Finance Director

ONSW is calling for interested persons to nominate for the vacant Finance Director position.
The new ONSW Board held their first board meeting last week following the recent AGM, at which 8 director positions were filled.
It would be helpful if the Finance Director position is filled by someone with a finance background but it is not essential. ONSW uses the cloud-based software Reckon to manage the accounts. There is a part-time finance officer who carries out the day-to-day accounting activities and Robert Spry has agreed to continue as paymaster.
The board would like clubs to consider whether they could put forward the name of someone who might be interested in taking up this position. We are particularly interested in having another club represented on the Board if possible.
Expressions of interest and suggested names should be emailed to Robyn Pallas (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by Sunday July 5.
The duties of the Finance Director are as follows (from the ONSW Manual):
(a) To direct and monitor the financial affairs of the Association and ensure that they are managed in accordance with current and proper commercial procedures. To be custodian of all financial and commercial procedures of the Association. To manage the balance of expenditure and receipts and oversee the funding of new initiatives to achieve the strategic objectives of ONSW.
(b) To ensure that membership fees, levies and other monies due to the association and that invoices and statements for forwarding to debtors are prepared as required.
(c) To ensure that all receipts are deposited in the Association bank accounts. To keep secure money of the Association.
(d) To ensure the receipt of all accounts to Association by the due date.
(e) To ensure that the books of account of the Association are properly maintained.
(f) To ensure that financial reports are prepared for each Board Meeting or as otherwise required by the Board.
(g) To ensure that budgets are prepared as required.
(h) To ensure that the Board approves all expenditure and that written quotes for all major items of expenditure are obtained for approval by the Board.
(i) To liaise with the Auditor as required to arrange for the audit of the books of account at the end of each financial year.
(j) To monitor completion and return of financial documents required by government bodies.
(k) To monitor the salary and leave records of employees of the Association and ensure that all relevant legal obligations are observed.
(l) To perform other duties as directed by the Board.

Vale Dot Wright

It is with much sadness we announce the death of Newcastle legend Dot Wright.

Dot was the wife of Allan Wright, founding member and stalwart of the club in its growth years.

Dot may not have taken to the bush very often, though she and Allan were avid bushwalkers, but her contribution to the club was immense.

Phone enquiries for information about club activities were ably handled by Dot and she was a great advocate for our sport.

She supported their sons Ian and Neil in the sport, and was often in charge of Enter on Day duties for our State and local events.

The Hunter Schools Orienteering Championships particularly in the 1980s and 1990s were spearheaded by Allan and Dot with Dennis Lyons course planning.

However, her biggest contribution was to support Allan in the production of the Club Newsletter - in the times when it was a printed production, needing to be collated, stapled or folded, enveloped and posted.

Dot was always in the thick of the action. Our thoughts are with Allan and the family.


Robyn Pallas new president of ONSW

Congratulations to Robyn Pallas who has been elected president of Orienteering NSW amidst a raft of changes to the Board.

Robyn is president of the Central Coast club and at the virtual AGM on Saturday night won a narrow vote over incumbent Greg Barbour (Big Foot), who filled the role for six years.

We also welcome aboard new directors Mary-Jane Mahony (Uringa, secretary), Melanie Christie (Uringa), Jamie Kennedy (Garingal) and Rod Parkin (Bennelong Northside).

All members thank Greg for his service as president and to the other retiring directors Mark Shingler (Big Foot), Michael Ridley-Smith (Garingal) and Anna Fitzgerald (Goldseekers).

The meeting was held by ZOOM and the election for President used electronic voting, both firsts for ONSW. The attendance of 41 members was, we believe, a new record.
President - Robyn Pallas
Finance Director - vacant. The Board will consider an appointment at its first meeting.
Secretary - Mary Jane Mahony
Directors (6) - Andrew Lumsden
                  Andrew Power
                  Robert Spry
                  Jamie Kennedy
                  Melanie Christie
                  Rodney Parkin

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