

MetrO League

MetrO League History

Premiership | Individual Medal Winners


Year Division 1 Division 2 Division 3 Division 4 Division 5 Division 6
2023 Garingal Big Foot SHOO-IKO Bennelong Bennelong Bennelong
2022 Big Foot Big Foot Big Foot Bennelong Bennelong GO Blue Tongues
2021 Covid (4 rounds)          
2020 Big Foot Big Foot SHOO-IKO  GO Monitors SHOO-IKO  SHOO-IKO
2019 Big Foot GO Frill Necks KNOX Big Foot KNOX  
2018 Big Foot Uringa-CC Bennelong GO Molochs WHO  
2017 Big Foot  Big Foot SHOO-IKO  Bennelong Uringa-CC  
2016 Garingal SHOO-IKO Bennelong GO Legless WHO  
2015 Garingal SHOO IKO KNOX Uringa-CC  
2014 Big Foot Big Foot WHO Bennelong SHOO  
2013 Big Foot Bennelong SHOO Big Foot GO Legless  
2012 Big Foot GO Monitors WHO Uringa-CC Big Foot  
2011 Big Foot GO Frill Necks Big Foot Bennelong    
2010 Big Foot Bennelong Uringa-CC Uringa-CC    
2009 Big Foot Uringa-CC Garingal B Uringa-CC    
2008 WHO Bennelong WHO Uringa-CC    
20076 Garingal WHO Garingal Garingal  
20065 WHO WHO Bennelong WHO  
2005 Uringa-CC IKO Uringa-CC Uringa-CC Uringa-CC  
2004 SHOO Garingal Big Foot Bennelong Bennelong  
2003 SHOO IKO Bennelong SHOO GO Green  
2002 WHO-KN Garingal SHOO GO Green Bennelong  
2001 WHO-KN Garingal Uringa-CC Uringa-CC Uringa-CC  
2000 Big Foot Bennelong WHO-KN KNOX Garingal  
19994 WHO-KN Bennelong WHO-KN Garingal SHOO  
1998 Bennelong Kareelah SHOO Garingal Garingal  
19973 Bennelong Big Foot KNOX WHO Coasties2  
  Division 1 Division 2 Division 3   Women  
1996 Big Foot Coasties2 Uringa   Big Foot  
1995 KNOX SHOO     Big Foot  
1994 Uringa       OutRunners1  


1. OutRunners was a combined women's team from various clubs.
2. Coasties was a combined Central Coast/Illawarra-Kareelah team.
3. In 1997, the Women's competition was terminated and teams became mixed.
4. In 1999, Knox School Club merged with Western Hills Orienteers.
5. In 2006/7, Divs 1 & 2 were combined into one Division 1/2.

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Individual Medal Winners

From 2013 the leading points scorer in each Division has been awarded a Medal to acknowledge their individual performance throughout the MetroLeague season.

Year Division 1 Points Division 2 Points Division 3 Points Division 4 Points Division 5 Points Division 6 Points
2023 Seth Sweeney (WH) 49 Lee Coady (WH) 52 Callum Waland (Knox) 57 Merryn Horrocks (GO) 54 Shay Sweeney (WH) 55 Euan Shedden (SH) 59
2022 James McQuillan (WH) 44 Nick Stanley (GO)  53 Miles Ellis (BF) 49 Bob Morgan (BN) and Ian Jessup (GO)  36 Samuel Tsang (BN)  52 Steph Nicholls (GO) 51
2020 Toby Wilson (GO) 46 Cooper Horley (GO) 45 Miles Ellis (BF) 42 Adam Horley (GO) 48 Samuel Tsang (BN) 49 James Stuart (IK) 35
2019 Ewan Shingler (BF)  58 Melissa Thomas (BN) 68 Heath Wallace (KN) 59 Shiona Will (IK) 56 Alex Smith (KN) 61    
2018 Alastair George (BF) 50 Shane Doyle (UR) 56 John Bulman (GO) 59 Robert Herkes (GO) 57 Melanie Christie (UR) 46    
2017 Toby Wilson (GO)  47  Ross Morrison (GO) 57  Clyde McGhee (BN) 63  Bob Morgan (BN)  56  Serena Doyle (UR)  49     
2016 Andrew Hill (WH) 49 Doug Jay (SH) 51 Ross Barker (IK) 45 Ian Jessup (GO) 49 Riley Grainger (GO) 54    
2015 Toby Wilson (GO) 13* Angus Shedden (SH) 55 David Green (IK) & Nicole Sellin (GO) 41 Tom Kennedy (GO) & Marie Ringer (WH) 50 John Russell (SH) 39    
2014 Andrew Hill (WH) 59 Angus Shedden (SH) 47 Alex Karavaev (IK) 52 Tania Kennedy (GO) and Lewis Redner (GO) 53 Samuel Tsang (BN) 44    
2013 Patrik Gunnarsson
45 Ian Jones (UR) 51 Doug Jay (SH) 50 Salme Fuller (IK) 41 Jonathan Koruga (GO) 38    

* In 2015 Division 1 used the cross-country scoring system. The lower the score the better.

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+Teams | Venues, Dates & Results | Draw (pdf)League Tables | Match Results | History

The MetrO League is an annual inter-club competition for greater Sydney metropolitan clubs. The series is run from March through until August/September with events conducted on one Sunday morning per month.

Teams of five compete against each other. The fastest score of the ten runners earns 10 points and the slowest gets one point. The team with the most points wins the match.

Courses are of a Moderate (Divn 4-6) or Hard (Divn 1-3) standard and a variety of distances is offered. The winning time is set for 30-45 minutes depending on division, and most people are finished within an hour.
New team members are always welcome and should contact their club captain if they would like to participate.

At all events there are also courses that can be entered on the day by anyone. Entry on the day options include Very Easy courses for young children, Easy courses for older newcomers and more challenging courses for the experienced. There is a variety of distances so that young, adult, fit and less fit can all find a course that's right for them.

The Division 1 trophy (pictured) is named in honour of the late Frank Assenza, who started the MetrO League competition in 1994. 

"Frank would be thrilled and we are very proud of his orienteering achievements," his daughter Megan told us. "Please pass on my thanks to your committee and thanks for letting me know of this honour."

The 2023 Metro League rules are being updated and will be here once finished and approved. Link

2024 Teams

Division 1 g Division 2 g Division 3 g Division 4 g Division 5   Division 6
Big Foot 1   Big Foot 2   Big Foot 3   GO Skinks   GO Blue Tongues   Bennelong 6
GO Goannas   GO Frill Necks   GO Legless   GO Monitors   KNOX 2   GO Geckos
Bennelong   GO Dragons   SHOO-IKO Horns   SHOO-UR-CC   SHOO-IKO Sneakers   SHOO-IKO Loafers
WHO-UR-CC 1   WHO-UR-CC 2   WHO Rays   WHO Doos   WHO Rahs   WHO Hahs
    Bennelong 2   Bennelong 3   Bennelong 4   Bennelong 5   GO Falcons 
    SHOO- IKO   KNOX 1   IKO-UR-CC    UR-CC Kestrels    


Download the 2024 Metro League Draw here.  

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2024 Venues and Dates

Round Date Venue Organising Club Eventor Results  Splits  Routes
2 May 5 Sydney Park Uringa Results Whiteboard Winsplits  
3 June 23 Pennant Hills Bennelong Results Whiteboard Winsplits  
4 July 28 Clay Pan Garingal Info/Enter      
1 August 4 Appin Illawarra Kareelah Info/Enter      
5 Sept 1 Nurragingy Big Foot Info/Enter      
6 Sept 15 Excelsior Western Hills Info/Enter      


Individual medal: this is awarded to the person with the highest points aggregate in each division.

Click here to see your indvidual scores for each round.

Click here to see Club Tables for each division.


Last year's results:

2023 Venues and Dates

Round Date Venue Organising Club Eventor Results  Splits  Routes
1 Apr 23 Mitchell Park Garingal Results Whiteboard WinSplits Livelox
2 May 28 West Wianamatta Western Hills Results Whiteboard Winsplits Livelox
3 Jun 25 Yerambah Lagoon Illawarra Kareelah Results Whiteboard Winsplits Livelox
4 Jul 23  Forestville Bennelong Results Whiteboard Winsplits Livelox
5 Aug 6 Lansdowne Uringa Results Whiteboard Winsplits  
6 Sep 17 St Ives Big Foot Results Whiteboard Winsplits Livelox




Event Series

NSW State League

MetrO League


West Orienteering Series