The relays were so exciting!
Well done to all the new State Champions and placegetters.
Champion schools
Forest event
Champion Primary School - Waratah Public School (by just one point in a hotly contested division)
Champion Secondary School - Knox Grammar School
Champion School Region - Combined Independent Schools
Sprint Event
Overall Champion School - a tie! John Palmer Public School and Waratah Public School shared the honours.
Individual and relay results for both students and the State League are available on both the Bold Horizons website and Eventor.
Thanks to Macquarie University for hosting us yesterday. What an outstanding venue. We appreciate access to such a beautiful campus.
Thanks too to Ku-ring-gai Council for access to Twin Creeks. The wildflowers were magnificent and the sandstone rock detail made for some challenging adventures.
To deliver three big events over the weekend, the extended Bold Horizons and friends team all put in some huge hours. Thanks so much, everyone.
We couldn't do it without you all and we just loved seeing so many people out running, thinking, socialising, supporting each other, and generally having a great time.
Credit for article to Bold Horizons Facebook page.