Northern Tablelands Orienteering Club

This small club provided a massive amount of support to the Australian Orienteering Carnival:  

·        Mapping for 2 years by club members;

·        Putting out fence crossings (20+) for AOC (they probably dismantled them as well) - this was a massive job involving carrying and installing at least 2 bales of hay and 2 lengths of polypipe for EACH fence crossing created; 

·        The club provided full staffing of the 1st aid tent for every day of the carnival - many, many hours of cheerful and professional services to injured orienteers; 

·        Many, many on-the-ground tasks as required by the AOC organisers; and

·        All volunteers to the carnival are aged over 60 and they provided an incredible amount of support and manpower to the carnival and as such should be recognised for this effort.

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