

Welcome to Orienteering NSW

Orienteering is a sport that challenges both the body and the mind. It's also loads of fun!

The aim is to use a special orienteering map to navigate your way around a course and visit marked check points along the way. You choose a course that suits your age and experience and proceed at your own pace: walk, jog or run. It is a race but you decide if you want to just race yourself or be the next world champion! The course may take you through urban areas, parks, schools, farmland or forests.

Events are conducted weekly across NSW and beginners are welcome at all events.

New to orienteering? Click here for more information.

Want to enter an event? You can see what's on by looking at the Coming Events at left or by going to the Event Calendar. Some events are enter on the day - you just turn up and register at the start. Other events require pre-entry and for that you need to know about (and register with) Eventor - read the Eventor FAQ.

Briohny Seaman sets the kangaroos bouncing!

Waggaroos logoUsing the score event format of orienteering Don MacIntyre set a challenging course of 22 control sites at Pomingalarna Reserve, for which participants had 60 minutes to find as many as possible. Various features were used for the control sites including watercourses, pits, old horse jumps, and contour banks. Depending on distance and difficulty the controls carried different points values so some forward thinking was required to choose the best strategic route to gain as many points as possible.

Briohny Seaman chose well and managed to set kangaroos bouncing in all directions by finding all 22 controls and score the maximum possible 240 points. Alex Davey also scored exceptionally well finding 20 controls and scoring 215 points. Debbie Davey scored 190 points and just managed to hold out Trent Seaman (195) for third place. Nonetheless Trent’s effort earned him handicap honours for the day.

To score heavily required covering most of the reserve. Several chose to just locate controls along the main ridgeline and the eastern slopes. Julie Gooding took this approach and scored an excellent 130 points just ahead of Rob and James Boetto (110).

 Results: Pomingalarna 60min Score Event: Briohny Seaman 240; Alex Davey 215; Debbie Davey 190; Trent Seaman 185; Julie Gooding 130; Rob & James Boetto 110; Matthew Thomas 85; Tegan Lee, Christine Lee & Courtney Whitton 85; Marguerite Caskie group 70; Beryl Latham 30.

The next Waggaroos event will commence at 10 am on Sunday 1 July in the Livingstone National Park and Nature Reserve.

Thanks to John Oliver for this report.


ONSW 2024 Meeting Dates 

Major Events

 Schedule 2024 - 2031 (Updated Sept 2024)

2024 Sydney City Race


2024 Aust MTBO

2024 Xmas 5days Sydney


2025 Easter Victoria

2025 Run the River QLD

Event Series

NSW State League

MetrO League


West Orienteering Series