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West Sydney Orienteering Series for 2024/2025 begins on December 8th.
Venue: Bungaribee Park (new map).
This series showcases the wonderful parks, reserves and bushland of the Hills District and western Sydney.
It mixes exercise - at whatever pace you like (walk, jog or run) - with a simple navigational challenge. If you can read a street directory you can do it! It's a great way to explore a suburb. You can go solo, with a buddy or in a small group (friends or family members).
Beginners are most welcome and will receive basic instruction.
Start times: you may start any time between 9.30-11am.
All events will suit newcomers as well as experienced orienteers.
Please ensure you return by 12pm as we start packing up then.
Format: you have the choice of 4 courses:
1. Long line - up to 6km - minimise streets.
2. Medium line - up to 4km - no street crossings.
3. Short line - up to 2km - mainly for juniors.
4. Score course - get as many controls as you an in any order in 45 minutes.
SportIdent electronic timing will be used at all events.
Pre-entry in Eventor is highly preferred although some entry on the day will be available.
Neil Schafer died last week at the age of 97. Neil was a very good orienteer, he was the best or near best in Australia in his age group over 35 years. Neil started orienteering 1978 as a M50 and competed successfully until he was an M85 when failing eyesight prevented him from maintaining his high standard.
Neil started as a member of NOSH and when NOSH combined with BOO to form Bennelong Northside Orienteers in 1988, Neil continued his membership until 1996 when he changed to Garingal.
Neil’s many achievements included multiple wins and places in his age group in Australian Championships, Easter 3 Days and State Championships in all states. He was the member of Australian teams in Australia/New Zealand Challenge on several occasions.
In international competitions, Neil was best Australian in M65 in the Veteran World Cup in Tasmania in 1992. In APOC in China in 1998 Neil won the M70 class. In the World Masters in Victoria in 2002 Neil came 2nd in M75 and in the World Masters in NSW in 2009 he was 3rd in both Sprint and Long Distance as an M80.
Neil’s best year was probably 1988 as a M60 when Neil was first in APOC, 1st at Easter, 1st in Australian Championships, 1st in NSW Championships, 1st in ACT Championships, 1st in Queensland Championships, 1st in South Australian Championships, 1st In Tasmanian Championships and the winner of the Silva Medal.
Neil was also a member of the ONSW Board as Technical Director for several years. Neil was a stickler for the rules and brought discipline to the role.
Some personal memories of Neil.
I first saw Neil in 1986 our first year in orienteering when I was amazed at the speed of this old bloke running up the finish chute. Grant Bluett can remember when he first beat Neil in a race as an achievement in his orienteering development.
Neil and wife Christa travelled with Cheryl and me on a Frank Anderson world orienteering tour in 1990. We shared a car in Europe and North America. We orienteered in Switzerland, Sweden, Canada and USA. We also called on Neil’s friend, Gerhardt in Germany and heard stories about the fall of the Iron Curtain the previous year. In North America we did a side trip to Los Angeles and shared a car trip to Disneyland, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon and Zion National Park. We also stopped in Hawaii for a few days on the way home.
Neil and I shared a common birthday and one of us would ring the other on the day. In recent years, as Neil could no longer see or read, we could fill Neil in with happenings in the orienteering world such as the death of his good friend and rival Herman Wehner. Neil’s mind was good until the end but his health and eyesight let him down.
Written by Terry Bluett (Bennelong Northside Orienteers)